Drapeau fr


1. Acceptance of conditions

The customer acknowledges having read, at the time of placing the order, the special conditions of sale stated on this screen and expressly declares to accept them without reservation. These general conditions of sale govern the contractual relations between "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" and its customer, both parties accepting them without reservation.photographs These general conditions of sale will prevail over all other conditions appearing in any other document, except prior exemption, express and written.

2. Products

The photographs illustrating the products do not enter into the contractual field. If errors occur, in any case, the responsibility of the company "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" could be engaged.

3. Oder

The automatic registration systems are considered as proof of the nature, content and date of the order. We will notify you by email as soon as possible to acknowledge that we have received and are processing your order. The sale will be concluded only from the confirmation of the order by reception of the company "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" of the order form accompanied by the payment in the case of payment by check. The company "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" reserves the right to cancel any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute over payment for a previous order. The information given by the buyer when ordering engages the latter : in the event of an error in the wording of the recipient's contact details, the seller cannot be held responsible for the impossibility in which it could be delivered the product.

4. Delivery

Deliveries are only to metropolitan France. Delivery times are 1 to 3 days, depending on the department where the order is to be delivered. After confirmation of the order, the company "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" undertakes to deliver to its carrier all the references ordered by the buyer. This transporter undertakes by contract with the company “Les Craquelins de Saint Malo” to deliver the order to the buyer's address. Delivery will be made by the company DPD. In the event of apparent defects, the buyer benefits from the right of return under the conditions provided for in this document. Are considered as force majeure releasing the seller from his obligation to deliver, war, riot, fire, strikes, accidents and the impossibility of being supplied. Always check your package on arrival and immediately pass on any reservations to the delivery person and to our attention (with photos). For reasons of availability, an order can be delivered in several times to the customer. The customer only pays for one delivery. If the customer wishes 2 places of delivery, he places 2 orders, with the associated delivery costs.

5. Price

The price is expressed in Euros. The price indicated on the product sheets does not include transport. The price indicated in the order confirmation is the final price, expressed inclusive of all taxes and including VAT for France and the countries of the EEC. This price includes the price of the products, the costs of handling, packaging and conservation of the products, the costs of transport and commissioning.

6. Payment

The price invoiced to the customer is the price indicated on the order confirmation sent by the company "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo". The order validated by the customer will not be considered effective until the bank has given its consent. In case of refusal, the order will be automatically canceled and the customer notified by email. In addition, the company "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" reserves the right to refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute.

7. Retractions

The customer has 14 days (from receipt of the items) to form an opinion. In the event of an exchange or refund, the item (s) must be returned new, complete (s) in their original packaging (s), undamaged, accompanied by all any accessories, instructions for use and documentation at the following address: Les Craquelins de Saint Malo - 1, rue de la Grassinais - 35400 Saint Malo - Tel. : Website: www.craquelin.com.

In the event of exercise of the right of withdrawal, the company "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" is required to reimburse the sums paid by the customer, free of charge, with the exception of return costs. The reimbursement is due within a maximum period of 14 days. Exceptions to the right of withdrawal: the supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized or the supply of goods liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly



Please use the following template if you wish to withdraw from your order


I .......................................;... hereby notify you of my withdrawal from the contract 
relating to the ordering of articles appearing on your website :


-       Oder from  ...................................in the amount of  .........................


-       Received on ............................................


-       Last name .................................................. 


-       First name .............................................


-       Adress.............................................


-       CP City.............................................


Date  et signature


8. Disputes

This contract is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, and in the absence of an amicable settlement between the parties, the Commercial Court of Saint Malo has sole jurisdiction, regardless of the place of delivery and the method of payment accepted.

In the event of difficulties in the application of this contract, the buyer has the possibility, before any legal action, to seek an amicable solution. It is recalled that the search for an amicable solution does not interrupt the "short period" of the legal guarantee, nor the duration of the contractual guarantee. It is recalled that as a general rule and subject to the discretion of the Courts, compliance with the provisions of this contract relating to the contractual guarantee assumes that the buyer honors his financial commitments to the seller


In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code, Les Craquelins de Saint Malo is a member of the Paris Mediation and Arbitration Center (CMAP), whose contact details are : 39 avenue Franklin Roosevelt - 75008 Paris - https: / /www.cmap.fr/

You can use the mediation service for consumer disputes relating to an order placed on the company's website. The entry is made, either via the form available on the CMAP website at the address www.mediateur-conso.cmap.fr, or by electronic mail at consommation@cmap.fr , or by post at the CMAP address. - Service Médiation de la consommation, 39 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 75008 Paris.

In accordance with article 14 of Regulation (EU) n ° 524/2013, the European Commission has set up an Online Dispute Resolution platform, facilitating the independent out-of-court settlement of online disputes between consumers and professionals of the European Union. This platform is accessible at the following link : https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/

9. Guarantee

In any case, the company "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" cannot be held responsible for non-compliance with the regulatory and legislative provisions in force in the receiving country, the liability of "Les Craquelins de Saint Malo" is systematically limited to the value of the product in question